Author: Maite DG

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_video link=""][vc_column_text]A while ago I took JBoss ESB for a spin to see how it compares to other tools we frequently use (both in terms of features and usability). I created a few how-to videos which  can be...

On the WPC (World Partner Conference) 2011, Microsoft revealed it’s future plans for their integration stack. It seems that BizTalk as product name will disappear in the nearby future… A new integration platform (stack) is being built in the cloud, offering us most of the BizTalk...

The Java virtual machine can be tuned in several ways. The three most important ones will be discussed in this blog entry: Java heap space Garbage collection tuning Garbage collection ergonomic  Java heap space As discussed in an earlier blog post, objects reside in the java heap...

Problem  We have the following stored procedure: CREATE Procedure USP_BTS_InsertStagingA701File        @RecordInfo         nvarchar(max),        @ID_BTSOutputFile uniqueidentifier,        @MD_InternalReferenceSector varchar(15) AS BEGIN        SET NOCOUNT ON;        DECLARE @ID_BTSFileBizTalkStatus INT        SELECT @ID_BTSFileBizTalkStatus = status.ID_BTSFileProcessingStatus        FROM   dbo.BTSFileProcessingStatus AS status with (nolock)        WHERE  status.Name = ‘Processing’        DECLARE @ID_BTSFileBizTalkInitialStatus INT        SELECT @ID_BTSFileBizTalkInitialStatus = status.ID_BTSFileProcessingStatus        FROM   dbo.BTSFileProcessingStatus AS status...

For one of our clients we needed to create multiple JSONP services with SOAP-backends in Datapower. JSON is supported by default in het Multi-Protocol gateway, and with JSONx, Datapower can handle it quite well. This post describes the fixes we did to extend JSONx and...

Out of the box the DataDirect driver comes with the Spy tool capability, allowing to trace calls in running programs.  In this blog entry, we will explain the configuration of this DataDirect JDBC driver in combination with the webMethods Integration Server. Using the webMethods IntegrationServer’s...