22 May Graduates: Junior Integration Consultant
You have (some) experience in application integration and service oriented architecture (EAI & SOA), with a strong focus on IBM technology....
You have (some) experience in application integration and service oriented architecture (EAI & SOA), with a strong focus on IBM technology....
You have (some) experience in application integration and service oriented architecture (EAI & SOA), with a strong focus on IBM technology....
You have (some) experience in application integration and service oriented architecture (EAI & SOA), with a strong focus on IBM technology....
You have (some) experience in application integration and service oriented architecture (EAI & SOA), with a strong focus on IBM technology....
You will build and support software solutions that provide real-time integration of data and functionality between administrative IT applications, located both on-premises as in the cloud, mobile and IoT devices,…...
You are an expert or interested in becoming an expert in integrating administrative IT solutions, both on-premise as cloud-based, using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles, such as the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), web API’s, micro services, etc…...